SDG Impact Accelerator

Turkey’s first-ever international impact accelerator with international public & private sector coalition to achieve SDGs by accelerating innovative solutions for refugees.


25 startups from 14 different countries participated in the program.


The teams were granted cash up to 14k$ and also in-kind resources at the beginning and end of the pre-accelerator and accelerator programs.


The teams were funded for the implementation of their projects in Turkey. The funding amount is between 30k$ and 45k$.

We strive for excellence on a global level and scale. This can’t be done without proper understanding of each country we are working in and each country has a different global footprint and focus. and this understanding can only be achived through partnership and research. Ozan had been the Advisory Board of UBI, the global ranking instituion of incubation and acceleration programs. Through our work in the advisory board we have an amazing outreach of programs and experts within reach on a global basis that we are opening up to our own partners and clients

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