It takes a Village to build a Startup, and it takes a lot of learning and doing and giving back to build a Village.


We have been able to connect to major players and organizations in the world that prioritize building global startup ecosystems. We had the pleasure to work with many of them and are proud of the contributions we made to the emerging startup ecosystem in Turkey and Middle East. Our engagement with Startup Grind, Startup Weekend by Techstars and Founder Institute has reached out to thousands of people and engaged many aspiring founders. We are proud to continue bringing global experience and knowhow to the region and facilitate strong friendships and create results.

Founder Institute Virtual – 2020

We were all hit with the pandemic but we did pick up the pieces and moved on to build another first in Turkey. Together with our partners YellowX became one of the first Virtual Program Managers for Silicon Valley’s Largest Pre-Seed Program Founder Institute. We built a global program from scratch for the first time in years in Turkey open for global startups from the region. Kicking the batch with more than 20 Teams, we managed to incorporate and graduate 7 strong teams.

Startup Weekend Anabilim 2020, 2021

StartupWeekend is one of the few globally managed and organized 54 hour challenge that brings wannabe entrepreneurs and ecosystems together. After winning a Startup Week in East Lansing Michigan, we knew how eye opening the experience could be for the emerging ecosystems. Through our partnership with a private high school in Turkey and StageCo we organized the first ever startup week designed for High Schoolers in Turkey.

Startup Grind Istanbul – 2013

When we first started to see the need to build a strong network of founders, we reached out to the most successful global startup community based in Silicon Valley: Startup Grind. Having been involved in the ecosystem for a long while we cherished the values of SG and made friends and gave first. We hosted Emrah Kaya (Founder of Youtholding), Melih Odemis (Founder of Yemek Sepeti), Emre Sokullu (Founder of and Dilawar Syed (CEO of Yonca 2013, Nominee Deputy Administrator for SBA in the USA)

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